
North Korea launched another ballistic missile

The rocket flew about 800 km.

North Korea launches another ballistic missile   

North Korea launched a short-range ballistic missile toward the sea off the east coast of the Korean Peninsula on Sunday, March 19. This was announced by the South Korean military, Reuters reports.

The missile, which was launched from the Dongchang-ri range on the west coast at around 11:05 a.m. local time, flew about 800 km.

South Korea has condemned a series of recent ballistic missile launches by North Korea as a “flagrant violation” of a UN Security Council resolution. The launches also drew criticism from Japan and the United States.

“North Korea's behavior threatens international peace and security and is unacceptable,” Japanese Defense Minister Toshiro Ino said at a press conference.

The US Indo-Pacific Command said in a statement that the next missile launch did not pose an immediate threat to US personnel or US allies. But recent missile launches underscore the destabilizing impact of North Korea's illegal weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missile programs, the command added.

On Thursday, March 16, North Korea launched a suspected intercontinental ballistic missile into the sea. between the Korean peninsula and Japan, hours before South Korea's president flew to Tokyo for a summit to discuss ways to counter the threat from North Korea.

Pyongyang said Thursday's missile launch was a warning against the military exercises of the US and South Korea.

Read also: In North Korea, they say that almost 800 thousand people are ready to join the army to fight against the US

On Monday, March 13, the US and South The Koreas have begun 11-day joint military exercises called Freedom Shield, which are being held on a scale not seen since 2017, to counter the growing threat from North Korea.

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Source: ZN

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