
On November 23, ten people were killed in Russian strikes on Ukraine

Three enemy missiles hit Ukrainian high-rise buildings.

” alt=”During November 23, Russian strikes on Ukraine killed ten people” />

On Wednesday, November 23, missile attacks by Russian invaders on Ukraine claimed the lives of ten people. This was announced by the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Denys Monastyrskyi, on Facebook.

“Russia continues to launch massive missile attacks on the civilian population of Ukraine. Today we have three hits in high-rise buildings. Unfortunately, 10 people died,” he wrote.

According to the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, only in the period from October 10 to November 23, the invaders carried out almost 600 rocket attacks on the territory of our country.

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In particular, Monastyrsky drew attention to the attack by the Russian troops on the maternity ward of one of the hospitals in the Zaporizhzhia region , which took place on Wednesday morning. This attack resulted in the death of a newborn baby.

“The newborn boy was only 2 days old when the Russians took his life. The planned shelling of a maternity hospital in Zaporozhye, where only mothers and medical personnel were, is not just a war crime. The Russians deliberately sent the S-300 missiles to the place where life is born,” the minister emphasized.

He added that all those involved in the attacks on the civilian infrastructure of our country will be held accountable according to the law and justice.

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Let us remind you that earlier the head of the National Police, Ihor Klymenko, reported that as a result of the massive missile strike that Russia carried out on the territory of Ukraine on November 23, 36 people were injured, six were killed.

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Source: ZN

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