
Opening sick leave in 2023: the Ministry of Social Policy explained how to do it

Now these issues are being resolved by the Pension Fund of Ukraine.

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At the end of 2022, a decision was made on the joining of the Social Insurance Fund to the Pension Fund, which actually means its liquidation The Pension Fund of Ukraine is now engaged in assigning all social benefits and subsidies. This also applies to the payment of sick leave.

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The Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine explained how to open a sick leave and receive payments on it The algorithm for receiving sick leave payments has not changed:

  • in case of illness, the employee consults a doctor;
  • the doctor in the electronic health care system forms a medical opinion about temporary incapacity for work, which in in the online mode, it is sent to the electronic register of sick leaves of the Pension Fund, where the electronic sick leave is immediately generated.


  • sees the electronic sick leave in the policyholder's personal account on the web portal electronic services of the Pension Fund;
  • on the basis of the decision of the authorized person(s) from social insurance at the enterprise, submits an application-calculation to the PFU on financing sick leave;
  • PFU makes a decision on financing sick leave within 3 days , and transfers the appropriate amount of funds to the employer to a special account.

It should be noted that as before – the first 5 days of sick leave are paid at the expense of the employer.

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Source: ZN

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