
Parade of the five planets of the solar system: how to observe it

The most optimal day for observations is March 28.

Parade of the five planets of the solar system: how to watch it

At the end of March, the inhabitants of the Earth will have the opportunity to see an unusual phenomenon: the parade of the five planets of the solar system. From March 25 to 30, Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Uranus and Mercury will form an arch in the night sky, reports Science Alert.

But the best time for observations is March 28. After that, Jupiter can “run away” in the pre-dawn glow. Those who want to see all five planets need to choose the right time, a region without light pollution and a “clear” horizon.

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How to watch the parade of planets

Venus is the easiest to see – it is the third brightest object in the Earth's sky after the Sun and the Moon. Other planets, such as Mercury and Uranus, will be much more difficult to spot. The most optimal place for observing them is far from city lights.

It is necessary to choose a place with a clear, clean view of the western horizon. Most of the planets will be visible to the naked eye, but it is still best to use binoculars or a small telescope.

The planets will begin to appear in the sky shortly after sunset. First, Mercury and Jupiter will appear low above the horizon. The last rays of sunlight can prevent them from being observed with the naked eye, so it is better to take binoculars. It will be possible to observe these two planets for about an hour after sunset, after which they will hide behind the horizon.

Then Venus will appear – the brightest star-like object in the sky, which will be located above Jupiter. You will be able to see Uranus through binoculars, which will be located a little higher and to the left of Venus. But it will be possible to see it after all sunlight disappears, taking Mercury and Venus with it.

There will also be about an hour to observe Venus and Uranus, and then they will hide behind the horizon.

< p>But there will be much more time to look at Mars. It will appear as a bright red dot high in the northwest. From March 28, it will be visible above the Moon.

If you stay up all night or wake up before dawn, you will be able to see another planet: Saturn. It will appear shortly before dawn over the horizon in the south on March 28.

It is worth remembering that Ukraine is currently living under the conditions of a full-scale Russian invasion, and a curfew is in effect in the regions. You cannot be outside at this time.

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Source: ZN

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