
“Purely for military purposes”: Skibitsky confirmed the work of Ukrainian agents in Russia

Previously, Ukraine neither confirmed nor denied involvement in the explosions at military facilities deep in Russian territory.

"Purely for military purposes": Skibitsky confirmed the work of Ukrainian agents in Russia

Representative of the Main Directorate of Intelligence of Ukraine Vadim Skibitsky in an interview with the German Bild confirmed that Ukrainian agents have been working on the territory of the Russian Federation since the beginning of the full-scale war.

“Operations are very difficult and require a lot of preparation, because Russian military facilities are well guarded. Our targets are purely military: facilities of the Russian armed forces, from which attacks on Ukraine are carried out, logistics centers, command posts or garrisons with a large number of soldiers,” explains Skibitsky.

Previously, Ukraine did not confirm , but did not deny involvement in the explosions at military facilities of the Russian Federation, hundreds of kilometers from the border. And also in Crimea occupied by Russia. In the absence of long-range weapons in the Ukrainian army, versions about sabotage in the field came to the fore.

Read also: The government of the aggressor state is responsible for what happens on the territory of the aggressor state – GUR ) explosions rang out. Strategic bombers that launched missiles over Ukraine were based at the airfields.

As a result of the attack, two Tu-95MS aircraft were damaged. Russia was forced to postpone another missile attack on Ukraine and disperse aviation to other airfields.

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Source: ZN

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