
Putin's invasion destroyed dreams of progress – Scholz

The German Chancellor said that the war in Ukraine changed the dynamics in Europe and broke the illusions that existed after the end of the Cold War, and also forced Germany to adjust its long-standing international policy

Putin's invasion destroyed dreams of progress - Scholz

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said , that the Russian invasion of Ukraine shattered the illusions, which have existed since the end of the Cold War, creating a different dynamic in Europe than existed a few months ago. He made this statement on CBS on Sunday, July 3, Politico reports.

“I think too many people in the world were hoping that we were living in a different world that was different from the experience of the past. and previous centuries,” Scholz said, adding that “we had an agreement that there should be no attempt to change the territory, change the borders, invade the neighbor. […] This agreement has now been canceled by Putin.”

The Chancellor of Germany also compared Putin to politicians of previous centuries, for whom territorial conquests and wars of aggression are a demonstration of a nation's greatness. “What is Putin thinking about? He thinks like the imperialists of the 17th, 18th, 19th centuries, he said, He thinks that everything connected with a nation is power, and if you are strong enough, you can just take over the territory of your neighbors. And this is an activity and an idea that we cannot and will not accept.”

Read also: Scholz noted one feature of security guarantees for Ukraine

Russia's invasion, in his opinion, changed the dynamics in Europe, including leading to Finland and Sweden joining NATO, and Putin's actions forced Germany to adjust its long-standing international policy.

“We made a very, very difficult decision. to change the political strategies we have followed for many decades – never to supply weapons to a country in conflict,” he said.

The leader of the German government also called it a mistake that Germany became dependent on Russian energy resources: “It was wrong that we were not ready at any moment to change the company that supplies us with gas, oil and coal. So we've had to invest across Europe in infrastructure that allows us to change supply from one day to the next. And I think that's a lesson that you've learned in Europe and many other places, that you have to be prepared – be prepared for a situation like this.”

Also read: Germany fears loss of influence in Europe after accession Ukraine to the EU — The Daily Telegraph

We remind you, Scholz also explained why German weapons arrive in Ukraine more slowly than American weapons. According to him, the reason is that Germany provides the most modern types of weapons, which require training of the armed forces of the armed forces.

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Source: ZN

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