
Residents of the Kherson region do not give in to the calls of the occupiers to “evacuate” to the Russian Federation

OK “Pivden” noted that the Ukrainian authorities cooperate strongly with the local population.

Residents of the Kherson region do not succumb to the calls of the occupiers

The occupiers called on the residents of the temporarily occupied Kherson region to evacuate to Russia. However, the citizens of Ukraine are not going to evacuate, said the head of the joint press center of the operational command “South” Nataliya Humenyuk, informs “Ukrifnorm”.

“They (occupation authorities – ed.) are talking precisely about the fact that they are preparing to save their lives. Because this is an information wave, of course, this is creating an effect that they are showing concern for the civilian population, as if trying to influence people and to explain that there is a threat to them from the Armed Forces or the Defense Forces of Ukraine. But people do not give in to this, in particular, there was absolutely no reaction of the local population to the same calls for evacuation, and no one is going to evacuate,” Humenyuk stressed.

According to her, the Ukrainian authorities cooperate strongly with the local population.

Read also: Central Security Service: FSB prepares plans to evacuate the families of its officers from Ukraine

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Source: ZN

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