
Rocket strike on the mall in Kremenchug: most of the bodies found are unrecognizable

The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs stated that rescuers dismantled 60% of the blockages.

Missile strike on the mall in Kremenchug: most of the bodies found dead - unrecognized

“As of today – 18 people are dead. 21 people are missing. “, – said Monastyrsky.

He also stressed that most of the bodies found have not yet been identified, as they were badly burned. rescuers will try to dismantle the debris by tomorrow morning, then the final number of dead will be known, “the Interior Minister added.

According to him, 59 people were injured, 25 people were hospitalized, one person died in hospital

Read also: The reaction of world leaders to the Russian missile strike on Kremenchuk

On Monday, June 27, Russian occupation forces launched a missile strike on a shopping center in the city of Kremenchuk > Poltava region at a time when there were at least 1,000 people.

It is difficult to name the exact number of victims at the moment – there are currently 18 of them, the SES is still working on the spot. On the day of the missile strike on the mall law enforcement has received more than 40 reports of disappearances.

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Source: ZN

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