
“Roscosmos” announced the terms of return to Earth of the crew of the damaged “Soyuz”

The ship that will take the cosmonauts home will be sent on February 24.


The Russian state concern “Roscosmos” announced that the crew of the Soyuz spacecraft, on which a coolant leak was detected, will return to Earth in September on another ship, rossMI reports.

“Initially, Sergei Prokopiev, Dmitriy Petelin and Francisco Rubio were supposed to land on Soyuz MS-22 on March 28, 2023. Now it is planned to do this on the Soyuz MS-23 in September 2023,” says the message of the space department of the aggressor country.

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They also added that the launch of the Soyuz 2.1a launch vehicle with the Soyuz MS-23 unmanned spacecraft to replace the damaged Soyuz MS-22 will be launched on February 24. The department also stated that they inspected the new ship and did not find any damage on it.

Roscosmos head Yury Borisov stated in January that the leak was caused by a meteoroid impact. The diameter of the damage was approximately one millimeter. It was probably pierced by a piece of space debris.

Recall that the leak on Soyuz was registered on December 14, an hour before the Russian cosmonauts were supposed to go into outer space. The “space walk” was supposed to last six hours and 40 minutes, but it was canceled when the cosmonauts had already put on their spacesuits and started the process of depressurizing the airlock.

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Later Russian media, citing sources, reported that the temperature in “Soyuz” rose to 50 degrees Celsius. Roskomos denies this, estimating the temperature of the ship at 30 degrees Celsius.

Source: ZN

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