
“Roscosmos” did not find “visual damage” on the problematic “Progress” at the ISS

A spaceship docked to the ISS has experienced a leak.

"Roscosmos" did not find "visual damage" on the problematic "Progress" at the ISS

The Russian state concern “Roscosmos” studied pictures of the cargo spaceship “Progress”, on which a leak was detected coolant, and did not find “visual damage” on them. The decision on the further program of the ship's flight will be made by a special commission, the space agency of the aggressor country reported. After that, cosmonauts Sergey Prokopyev and Dmitry Petelin, using the remote control system, turned the ship around and photographed the damage site.

Read also: Roscosmos showed a hole in the Soyuz on the ISS Roscosmos” declared that “no visual damage was detected”.

The further fate of the ship will be decided by a special commission. At the moment, two options are being considered: docking it with the Berth module for further clarification of the reasons for the depressurization and reporting from orbit.

The leak on the Progress is the second such case in recent times.

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On December 14, a coolant leak was detected on the Soyuz spacecraft, which is also on the ISS. Later, rosSMY reported with reference to sources that the temperature in the “Soyuz” rose to 50 degrees Celsius. Roskomos denies this, estimating the temperature of the ship at 30 degrees Celsius.

Source: ZN

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