
Roskomnadzor demands that Wikipedia remove two more articles about Russia's invasion of Ukraine

In particular, this is the article “Fights for Kharkiv”.

Roskomnadzor demands that Wikipedia remove two more articles on Russia's invasion of Ukraine to Ukraine. Information about this appeared on the encyclopedia's Twitter page.

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Thus, the agency of the aggressor country added to its register the articles “Fights for Kharkiv” (added May 25) and “Use of phosphorus bombs during the Russian invasion of Ukraine” (added June 1). The first of them states that “the Armed Forces of Ukraine won the battle for the city of Kharkiv.”

It will be recalled that two lawsuits were filed in court against the Russian-language version of Wikipedia in Russia. Roskomnadzor was the first to demand the removal of information from the articles “Battle of Kyiv (2022)”, “War crimes during the Russian invasion of Ukraine”, “Hospital shelling in Mariupol”, “Destruction of the Mariupol Theater (2022)” and “Massacre in Bucha”. The second lawsuit demanded that the company be fined for refusing to remove the article “Russia's Invasion of Ukraine (2022)” and articles about gunpowder and gunpowder.

The total amount of the fine imposed on Wikipedia was million rubles (about two million hryvnias).

The Russian authorities forbid calling the war in Ukraine, unleashed by Putin, a war. She also claims that the war crimes committed by the Russian military in our country are fakes. Thus, the “fakes” include the atrocities in Bucha, which were recorded by the world and Ukrainian media, as well as representatives of the international community. For example, Colonel-General Vladimir Shamanov said that the Red Forest, the most irradiated area of ​​the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone, is a fake.. According to him, this territory was still occupied by guerrillas in the 1940s, and they did not receive any radiation.

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Source: ZN

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