
Russia is increasing oil exports, despite Western sanctions – Nikkei

From February 24 to April 18, a total of 380 oil tankers left Russia – more than in the same period a year earlier

 Russia increases oil exports despite Western sanctions - Nikkei

As reported by the Japanese newspaper Nikkei with According to Refinitiv, which monitors the movements of oil tankers, despite Russia's aggression against Ukraine , Asian countries continue to buy large volumes of oil from Russia.

From February 24 to April 18, Russia left Russia in general 380 oil tankers – more than in the same period a year earlier (357).

Of these, 115 went to Asia: 52 – to China, 28 – to South Korea, 25 – to India, 9 – to Japan and one – to Malaysia. Oil supplies to India have increased eightfold compared to the same period last year.

Read also: The European Union, Britain and the United States will try to untie India from Russia

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky believes that the European Union will impose an oil embargo against Russia . He said this at a briefing after a meeting with European Council President Charles Michel.

According to the President, this decision should be part of the sixth package of EU sanctions.

“We very much want to The next powerful sixth sanctions package has been approved. We call for a full energy embargo, including oil and gas imports, and it will be empty, “Zelensky said.

Source: ZN

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