
Russia is not responding to requests from the UN's special commission on war crimes, Reuters

It seems that the Russian side does not want to discuss the atrocities of its own soldiers in Bucha, Irpen and other cities of Ukraine.

Russia does not respond to requests from the UN Special Commission on War Crimes - Reuters

The UN Special Commission, which was established to investigate Russian war crimes in Ukraine, has not been able to establish contact with representatives of the Russian Federation. This was announced by the head of the body Eric Mose at a press conference in Kyiv.

According to Reuters, the investigator said that the commission tried several times to contact the Russian mission in Geneva, but failed. However, Mose said he and his colleagues would continue to try to get an answer from the Russians.

The head of the commission also said that after the visit of its staff to Bucha , Irpen, Kyiv, Sumy and Kharkiv received a wealth of information on a number of crimes against civilians in these cities. However, according to Mose, it is too early to discuss the evidence.

“In Bucha and Irpen, the commission received reports of arbitrary killings of civilians, destruction and looting of property, and attacks on civilian infrastructure, including schools,” Mose said.

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Recall that the commission established by the UN Council is not the only international body investigating Russian war crimes in Ukraine. On February 28, the International Criminal Court in The Hague (ICC) launched its own investigation, and some countries have expressed a desire to send their experts to Ukraine.

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Source: ZN

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