
Russia is training missile forces with nuclear weapons

About a thousand servicemen take part in the exercises, more than a hundred units of equipment are involved.

In Russia, training of nuclear missile forces

The Russian Teikov Division of the Strategic Missile Forces (RVSP) is conducting maneuvers on combat patrol routes of autonomous launchers of Yars strategic complexes as part of military exercises . This was stated by the Russian Defense Ministry, Interfax reports.

In particular, in the Ivanovo region, autonomous launchers of the Yars mobile ground-based missile system are conducting intensive maneuvers.”Strategic missiles are working on bringing missile systems to field positions, conducting marches of up to 100 km, dispersing units with changing field positions, their engineering equipment, organization of camouflage and combat protection,” the Russian Defense Ministry said.

RVSP – a kind of troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the main component of Russia's strategic nuclear forces, the basis of the RVSP group are Yars complexes.

Russia has promised not to use nuclear weapons in the war against Ukraine. The statement was made by Deputy Director of the Information Department of the Russian Foreign Ministry Alexei Zaitsev.

Also, the head of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin said that Russia can launch a nuclear strike only in response to the same type of attack.

However Russia has already ridiculed Western warnings that it is preparing an attack on Ukraine and has said there can never be a war between Russia and Ukraine.

Source: ZN

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