
Russia landed six military transport planes in Belarus in 13 hours – monitoring

Russia can transport equipment or military personnel to Belarus.

Russia has landed six military transport planes in Belarus in 13 hours - monitoring

Six Il-76MD military transport planes of the Russian Air Force have landed at the airfield in Machulyshchy over the last 13 hours. This is reported by the “Belarusian Gayun” monitoring group.

The publication assumes that both equipment and new mobilized ones can be delivered to Belarus.

“These are boards from reg. numbers: RF-76745, RA-86900, RF-76549, RF-86898, RA-76763 and RF-76772. RF-76772) landed in Machulyshchy at 18:17 Minsk time,” the message says.

The group calculated that each board can accommodate 245 people.

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Previously it was reported that the Russian Federation takes the Serhii Atayants plane from Belarus, which is used to adjust missile strikes.

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Source: ZN

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