
Russia's departure from the ISS: “Roscosmos” announced new deadlines

Earlier, the aggressor country announced that it would withdraw from the project “after 2024”.

Russia with the ISS: “Roscosmos” named new deadlines” />

The management of “Roskosmos” named new deadlines withdrawal from the project of the International Space Station. The executive director of the space agency of the aggressor country, Sergey Krykalev, said that they will depend on the technical condition of the station, Interfax reports.

Read also: Russia will leave the ISS only after launching its own station – NASA

“As for the statement about 2024 – well, this is a translation feature, but what was said about the exit of Russia after 2024 means that there will be no drastic steps until 2024. And 2025 is after 2024, 2028 is also after 2024 and 2030. A specific decision on exit will be made based on its technical condition,” Krykalev said at a press conference on Thursday in Houston.

Recall that the head of Roscosmos, Yury Borisov, said at a meeting with Russian dictator Vladimir Putin that Russia will withdraw from the ISS project after 2024. According to him, “Russia will fulfill all its obligations to its partners, but the decision to withdraw from the ISS project after 2024 has been made.” He also added that the Russian Federation plans to build its own orbital station.

The management of NASA reported that it had not received any official notifications.

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The aggressor country announces plans to build its own orbital station station not for the first time. So, in 2020, the Russian rocket and space corporation Energia predicted an avalanche-like retirement of the ISS after 2025.

Source: ZN

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