
Russia stole 4 billion UAH worth of Dnipro water – ecologists

What is the threat of barbaric water pumping.

4 billion UAH of Dnieper water – ecologists” />

After the capture of Kherson, the Russian occupiers destroyed the concrete dam on the North Crimean Canal in order to let water into the occupied Crimea. However, the launch occurred in violation of technological requirements. This was reported by the director of the Institute of Water Problems and Land Reclamation of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Mykhailo Yatsyuk.

“They succeeded. Despite the violation, despite the fact that it will lead to various negative phenomena, including the destruction of the canal walls , but they did it,” the BBC News Ukraine expert told.

According to him, the Russian Federation is currently using the channel “not at 100%, but at 150%”, even in violation of the rules of channel operation. The professor notes that the irrigation system on the territory of the Kherson region was quite extensive, covering approximately 300,000 hectares and largely depended on the filling of the North Crimean Canal.

In some areas, the water level has now dropped significantly. “This can lead to extraordinary environmental, technical and technogenic consequences,” he predicts.

Read also: Out of time: the occupiers postponed the launch of the railway connection from Crimea to Kherson and Melitopol

The Ukrainian Environmental Inspection notes that the Russians are already stealing water from the canal on a large scale. Water intake reaches 50 cubic meters per second, and damages due to its arbitrary useamount to tens of millions of hryvnias per day, namely 32.6 million. Accordingly, for 125 days of full-scale war, the Russian Federation already owed about 4 billion hryvnias. However, these figures are also approximate, since access to hydrotechnical facilities for Ukrainian employees is blocked, and water consumption has to be monitored only with the help of satellite images.

More details about how the theft of water by the occupiers affects the water supply of Ukraine and Crimea , read in the article by Maria Dyachuk “Water – the source of life or the germ of war?”


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Source: ZN

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