
Russian troops in Transnistria tried to rotate, but Moldova did not allow it

Moldova insists on the withdrawal of Russian troops from the unrecognized republic

Russian troops in Transnistria tried to carry out a rotation, Moldova did not allow

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Moldova confirmed the information that it did not allow entry into the country's territory by a Russian soldier from the so-called operational group of Russian troops (OGRV), deployed in Transnistria. This is reported by “European Pravda” with reference to the comment of the spokesperson of the Moldovan Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Daniel Vode.

“The rotation of servicemen as part of the Russian peacekeeping contingent is carried out according to a mechanism created to avoid risks and ensure the coordinated movement of personnel of the contingent,” said Daniel Vaudet.

He confirmed that the officers of the so-called OGRV – “illegal formation on the territory of our country, which violates the status of neutrality.” He also added that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Moldova insists on “the need to unconditionally resume the process of withdrawing Russian troops and ammunition depots from our country”.

Read also: In Transnistria, men are being campaigned to sign a contract with Russian troops – GUR

Previously, the Russian Foreign Ministry expressed concern about cases of detention of Russian officers who “went to Transnistria to staff the Russian contingent on a rotational basis.”< /p>

The military contingent of the Russian Federation in Transnistria is officially called the Operational Group of Russian Forces (OGRV). In fact, these are the remains of the former 14th Russian army, which was stationed here in the early 1990s and took an active part in the Transnistrian conflict. The OGRV has two motorized rifle battalions plus a command unit, i.e. approximately 1,500 to 1,700 servicemen. These are mostly local residents who have Russian citizenship.

Read also: Sandu reported on possible threats from Transnistria

Recall that in May during a speech in the European Parliament the president of Moldova, Maia Sandu, voiced a demand for the Russian Federation to withdraw its troops from the territory of the so-called “Pridnistrian Moldavian Republic”.

Source: ZN

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