
Russian troops launched missile strikes on Kirovograd and Odessa regions

Three more missiles flying to Odesa shot down air defense forces. It also became known about new attacks.

Russian troops launched missile strikes on Kirovograd and Odessa regions

Russian occupiers launched a missile strike on Kirovograd region. This was reported by the operational command “South” of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Telegram.

“The enemy carried out another missile strike on several regions of Ukraine. the message reads.

According to the OK, two missiles fired by Russia from the Caspian direction hit the railway infrastructure of the Kirovohrad region. As a result of the attack, there are dead and wounded.

Earlier, the head of the Dolyna city territorial community in the Kirovohrad region, Yevhen Zvizdovsky, announced on Facebook about the “arrival of a rocket” on the territory of his community.

Air defense forces shot down three enemy missiles flying in the direction of Odessa region.

UPD: The mayor of Artsyz of Odessa region Sergey Parpulansky confirmed missile strike of the Russian troops on his city, writes Public.

Operational command “South” declared that during repeated attack on Odessa region Russia struck two more missiles on infrastructure objects region. “Fortunately, no one was injured,” the statement added.

In addition, Russia hit Transcarpathia for the first time . As a result, the railway substation was damaged, and the wreckage of the rocket damaged cars.

Earlier it became known about explosions that took place in Lviv . The information was confirmed by the mayor Andriy Sadovy. The missile strike damaged two power substations. There is no electricity in part of the city.

See the special topic: The occupiers blocked entry and exit from Kherson It is said that traffic was stopped until May 11. The occupiers fired on residential areas of Kramatorsk, 25 people were injured Six of the wounded need medical care in hospital. Russia's main goal is to completely seize access to the sea The occupiers are now focusing on strikes on civilian infrastructure. Russians increasingly refuse to return to the front after the first clash with the Armed Forces – General Staff The moral and psychological condition of the occupiers is extremely low, the Armed Forces keep all the borders Ukrainian army recaptured two settlements in the south – the General Staff

Source: ZN

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