
Russian troops shelled the Kherson region: a shell hit a residential building

The OVA was informed about the dead and injured.

alt=”Russian troops shelled Kherson region: a shell hit a residential building” />

Russian occupying forces continue shelling the civilian infrastructure of the liberated part of Kherson region. On Thursday, January 12, the enemy hit the village of Yantarne, located near Kherson, as a result of which one person was killed and another was injured. This was announced by the head of the OVA Yaroslav Yanushevich in Telegram.

“In the Kherson region, the Russians continue to fight with peaceful people! A few hours ago, the Russian occupiers attacked the village of Yantarne, which is near Kherson. An enemy shell hit a residential building,” he wrote he.

According to OVA, a 27-year-old man died on the spot as a result of the explosion, and a 47-year-old woman received shrapnel injuries. The victim was taken to the hospital, where she is receiving the necessary medical assistance.

Read also: In the Kherson region, the occupiers disabled an infrastructure facility

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We remind you that a day earlier the invaders carried out shelling of the perinatal center in Kherson, as a result of which an employee of the facility was injured.

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Source: ZN

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