
Russian troops shot dead two countless civilians near Kyiv. CNN released a video

One of the victims was the owner of a looted car dealership.

 Russian troops shot dead two countless civilians near Kyiv. CNN released video

Russian troops shot dead two civilians while retreating from the outskirts of Kyiv in March 2022, CNN reports

The TV and radio company received a video of the murder of two Ukrainians. Video evidence is currently being investigated by the Ukrainian prosecutor's office as a war crime.

Ukrainians died in a cold-blooded shooting that contradicts the rules of war.

According to CNN, one of the victims was the owner of a looted car dealership. The second man, Leonid Alekseev, worked there as a security guard.

The video shows five Russian soldiers trying to break into a car dealership.

As the owner approached with raised hands, the occupants searched him and the guard.

After that, two Russian soldiers approached the men from behind and opened fire. The men fall to the ground.

The guard was injured and tried to return to the guard post. He called for help, but could not be saved, he was bleeding.

CNN invited a comment from the Ministry of Defense. I did not receive a response.

Read also: Bodies of two men with traces of torture found in Kyiv region – prosecutor's office

Amnesty International said on Friday that there was convincing evidence of war crimes, including torture of civilians and extrajudicial executions which the Russian occupation forces did in Bucha in February and March. Amnesty International experts have documented at least 22 such cases,

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Source: ZN

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