
Russians are ready to explode on a grenade to “shake hands” and go home – interception

Motivation of the occupying army is useless

Russians are ready to explode on a grenade to

Russian military does not want to fight in Ukraine and invent new ways to go home faster . Two Russians, whose conversation was intercepted by Ukrainian intelligence, are even ready to detonate a grenade to receive “battle wounds” and go home under this pretext.

A conversation between two Russian servicemen can be heard in the interception. They look for reasons to go home from the front and come to the conclusion that the only real way is to become “three hundred”. However, the problem is that the hospitals refuse to accept the occupiers for treatment and issue “hospital”.

Read also: Significant casualties among officers further demoralize the Russian army – ISW

Next, the men talk about the experience of “old wolves” who are able to inflict wounds on themselves that look like combat. One of them says: “Yesterday I offered a yo * nuta grenade. RGD. That at once eight people “tripled”. Lay the plates so that the limbs stick out. V * bat her and all. All go home with three cartoons (three million rubles to be paid for a combat wound – ed.) “.

< It will be recalled that another such interception clearly demonstrates the mood that is spreading in the Russian army - Russian invaders want to flee the war against Ukraine at any cost .

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Source: ZN

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