
Saakashvili is “on the brink of death” – Sky News

He is currently in the hospital, where he complains of constant pain.

Saakashvili is staying

Mikhail Saakashvili has lost half his weight, is in constant pain . He told journalists about this himself in response to their questions, transmitted through a lawyer, writes Sky News.

“At first I was 120 kilograms, now I weigh 64, if I become less than 60, the doctors predict multiple organ failure. I am in bed all the time, my bones are disintegrating, and this causes unbearable pain,” Saakashvili said .

Journalists themselves were not allowed to visit their ex-president (2014-2013) Mykhailo Saakashvili, who was convicted in Georgia. It will be recalled that his condition significantly worsened after he was imprisoned in October 2021, and he began a hunger strike. At the end of 2021, he was taken to the hospital.

In February, an independent expert during the appeals process reported claims that Saakashvili was poisoned while in prison. The Georgian authorities reject this possibility and do not allow him to be transferred to Europe for treatment.

Read also: Saakashvili will not be released, even if pardoned – Zurabishvili

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Earlier, the heads of the Baltic countries' foreign affairs demanded that Saakashvili be immediately released for treatment abroad. Before that, the media reported that Poland is ready to receive him for treatment. Meanwhile, the European Parliament called on Georgia to pardon Saakashvili.

Source: ZN

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