
San Francisco police almost allowed to eliminate dangerous suspects with the help of robots

But only in extreme cases.

Police of San Francisco almost allowed to liquidate dangerous suspects with the help of robots

The City Council of San Francisco is ready to allow the city police in exceptional situations to use robots to liquidate suspects. This was reported by the Telegram channel “Babel”.

According to the voted proposal, the police can use killer robots only if the use of other methods of de-escalation or neutralization of criminals did not give positive results.

Authorization for the use of killer robots can only be given by high-ranking officers. p>Read also: The Ukrainian innovative program for military Delta was presented to NATO

However, the initiative of the Supervisory Board is not yet a final decision. It must be approved by a second vote, and then the decision must be approved by the mayor of San Francisco, London Breed. Only after this, the use of killer robots will become legal.

As a reminder, at the beginning of October, six companies producing robots, including the famous Boston Dynamics, announced that they will not arm their robots or allow others to use them as weapons, since arming robots may “increase the risk of harm and raise ethical questions”.

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“We believe that adding weapons to robots that are controlled remotely or autonomously, widely accessible to the public and able to move to previously inaccessible places where people live and work, creates new risks of harm and serious ethical problems. The use of these new robots as weapons will also damage public trust in technology, which will damage the enormous benefits they will bring to society,” the group said in a statement.

Source: ZN

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