
Scientists found a mysterious “blue slime” at the bottom of the Caribbean Sea

Researchers cannot understand what it is.

Scientists have found a mysterious

Scientists have discovered mysterious creatures at the bottom of the Caribbean Sea that resemble blue slime. What this can be, researchers cannot yet explain, reports Live Science.

Several deep-water creatures were spotted by scientists who operated a deep-sea probe near the coast of Santa Cruz Island. “Sea drops” lay motionless on the seabed at a depth of 407-611 meters.

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Scientists conducted research using the Okeanos Explorer probe National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). During the broadcast from the device's camera, the researchers noticed something unusual and began to discuss what kind of creature it was. ascidian A team of researchers has proposed several nicknames for this creature, including “blue slime”.

The only thing the team members agreed on is what the mysterious creature is not. “I can say that this is not a stone, but I'm not ready to go any further,” said one of the researchers.

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Source: ZN

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