
Scientists have told what kind of shelter can save in the event of a possible explosion of a nuclear bomb

Even those who are far from the epicenter of the explosion can be in the zone of potential damage.

nuclear bomb” alt=”Scientists have told what kind of shelter can save in case of a possible explosion of a nuclear bomb” />

Scientists from the University of Nicosia in Cyprus decided to calculate how a possible nuclear explosion would affect people who are sheltering in a room. They found out that even those who are at a safe distance from the epicenter of the explosion can be in a zone of immediate risk, reports Science Alert.

When a nuclear bomb detonates, it generates not only radiation in the form of bright blinding light and scorching heat, but also powerful shock waves that can spread over tens of kilometers. These shock waves are potentially fatal for people who are at a safe distance from the “mushroom”.

Read also: Putin expressed a desire to calculate the nuclear warheads of Great Britain and France

The team simulated a nuclear explosion of an atomic bomb with a capacity of 750 kilotons. For comparison, the bombs dropped by the USA on Hiroshima had a power of 15 kilotons, and on Nagasaki – 25 kilotons. Thus, on average, it is approximately 37 times less than the bomb in the researchers' simulation.

A bomb of such power will destroy everything within four kilometers, but beyond this radius people have a chance of survival if they take shelter in the right shelter.

In their study, scientists calculated how the shock wave would pass through buildings, including rooms, corners, doors, corridors, windows and doorways, at a distance of four to 50 kilometers from the epicenter of the explosion.

Modeling has shown that narrow pockets inside buildings, such as doorways and corridors, can act like a wind tunnel, accelerating the shock wave to dangerous pressures 18 times the weight of the human body — strong enough to break bones. Therefore, researchers recommend avoiding doorways, corridors and windows in the event of a potential explosion.

The safest place is the part of the building farthest from the explosion, a room without windows. But even in the part of the building closest to the explosion, you can be safe if you stand in a corner facing the explosion.

Scientists note that what the building is made of is also important. It will be difficult to hide in a log cabin. They add that not much can be done close to the epicenter of the explosion. But at a relatively safe distance from it, protection can be provided by structures made of stone, concrete and other non-combustible materials.

According to the researchers, they were inspired to conduct the research by tests of the Russian missile complex “Sarmat”. Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine has led to growing concern that an aggressor country may use nuclear weapons against the background of failures at the front.

In December, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Russia may use nuclear weapons in response to a “preemptive strike” on Russian control points. According to him, if the system registers the launch of missiles in the direction of Russia, then there will be “hundreds of missiles in the air that cannot be stopped”. about “empty and irresponsible” nuclear weapons. In his opinion, the Russian Federation will not be the first to use nuclear weapons under any circumstances.

Source: ZN

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