
Scientists managed to partially restore the pig's organs some time after its death

The researchers' technique can increase the number of organs that are suitable for transplantation.

it was possible to partially restore the pig's organs some time after its death” />

Scientists from Yale University in the USA were able to partially restore the viability of a pig's organs some time after the animal died. As the BBC reports, this is a breakthrough that could further increase the number of organs available to people for transplantation and give doctors more time to save lives. /p>

The research of scientists also changes the idea of ​​what happens between life and death. Experts note that the discovery is “really outstanding” and “incredibly important”.

When the heart stops beating, the body lacks oxygen and other nutrients necessary for survival. Organs increase in size, blood vessels are destroyed, and cells begin to die.

It was believed that this death of cells happens once and for all, but now scientists have managed to eliminate some damage in the organs of animals that have been dead for a while.

“We can restore some functions of cells in many vital organs that must have been dead. These cells function several hours after they shouldn't,” said Professor Nenad Sestan.

In 2019, scientists managed to do something similar, but with the brain of a pig. Now, the technology called OrganEx has been adapted to work with the whole body.

Researchers used synthetic blood to carry oxygen throughout the body. Such blood does not coagulate, so it can move through the collapsing blood vessels of the pig. In addition, the scientists introduced a cocktail of 13 compounds to interrupt the chemical processes that lead to cell death, as well as a device for pumping blood throughout the body to simulate a beating heart.

In the experiments, the results of which were published in the journal Nature, 100 pigs were involved. Conducting such experiments was approved based on ethical considerations.

Researchers plunged the animals into a deep sleep and stopped their hearts. After they spent more time in this state, they were connected to the OrganEx system and given a restorative cocktail for six hours. At the same time, throughout the experiment, the animals continued to be anesthetized.

After six hours, the scientists dissected the pigs and found that such organs as the heart, liver, and kidneys had partially recovered and were able to regain some functionality.

Electrical activity was restored in the heart, the heart muscle could contract, but the organs did not function at the same level as during life.

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Earlier scientists from the Weizmann Institute in Israel were the first in the world were able to create “synthetic embryos”. At the same time, the researchers did not need sperm, eggs and the fertilization process.

Source: ZN

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