
Serhii Zhadan was awarded the peace book prize in Germany

The award will be presented in October this year.

Peace Prize in Germany” />

Ukrainian writer, musician and public figure Serhiy Zhadan will receive the Peace Prize of German Booksellers in 2022. This was reported by the board of the fund of the same name.

It is noted that Zhadan will receive the award for “outstanding artistic activity and for his humanitarian position, with which he addresses people during war and helps them at the risk of his life.”

Read also: “We will have to learn to talk about this war”: Serhiy Zhadan spoke about art during wartime

“In his novels, essays, poems and song lyrics, Serhiy Zhadan takes us to a world that has experienced great upheavals, but still lives by traditions. His lyrics talk about how war and destruction enter this world and shake people. At the same time, the writer finds his own language, which powerfully and differentiatedly shows us what many did not want to see for a long time,” the organizers of the award said.

They also added that Zhadan shows what people in Ukraine trying to lead an independent life, which is defined by peace and freedom, despite all the violence.

Zhadan himself has already commented on the prize award, thanking the German book publishers.

“It is very important that Ukraine is in the German information space. It is important that in autumn at the Frankfurt Book Fair, where this prize is awarded, Ukraine will be the subject of discussion. We need weapons, but we need informational support just as much. We have to win this war, we have to protect our future. Therefore, now every manifestation of support for Ukrainian culture works for our victory. A big thank you to everyone for their solidarity!” he wrote on Facebook.

The award ceremony will take place on October 23.

Earlier Zhadan became the person of the year according to the version of the Polish publication Gazeta Wyborcza.< /strong>

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Source: ZN

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