
Shrovetide: what can't be done at this time

The holiday precedes Great Lent.

Maslian: what can't be done at this time

On February 20, Christians of the Eastern rite begin Maslian Week, which precedes Great Lent. This is the time when it is customary to bake pancakes and have a party. But there are also restrictions associated with Great Lent, which will begin on February 27.

Read also: The Feast of the Lord: the history of the holiday

What can't be done on Shrove Tuesday

On the holiday, you shouldn't give up sweets and pancakes. It is believed that the first eaten pancake can give health for a whole year.

You cannot eat meat products and overeat, since Shrove Tuesday precedes Great Lent.

You cannot swear, to quarrel, conflict and slander.

It is also forbidden to be bored and sit at home, it is customary to celebrate the holiday cheerfully with relatives and friends.

You cannot receive guests if the house is not cleaned.

Omens of Shrovetide

The more pancakes are baked on Shrovetide, the richer the master of the house will become.

If the hostess's pancakes turned out lush and ruddy – you should expect a generous harvest, and if they stick together – a bad sign.

How many beautiful pancakes the hostess baked, so many sunny, beautiful days will be in the summer.

If you get rid of old things on Shrove Tuesday, then this year, wait for updates.

Rainy weather before Maslenitsa – to the mushroom harvest.

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If frost hits before Maslenitsa, the summer will not be very hot.

Source: ZN

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