
Siberia instead of evacuation: another family deported to the Russian Federation from the Kharkiv region was returned home

“We were taken to the border of the Trans-Urals and Western Siberia – to the city of Kurgan. There was almost no chance of escape,” the deportee recalls.

=”Siberia instead of evacuation: another family deported to the Russian Federation from the Kharkiv region was returned home” /> © Petro Andryushchenko, adviser to the mayor of Mariupol/Telegram

Successfully returned another family from the Kharkiv region taken away by the occupiers. A mother and three children, in an effort to save themselves from endless shelling, agreed to evacuate through Belgorod. Instead, the invaders moved the family to the Russian hinterland. About the details of the enemy's special deportation operation, and such a procedure is considered a war crime, it is stated on the website of the Ministry of Reintegration, the department notes that 50 children who were victims of the same scheme have already been returned to Ukraine.

 “We were taken to the border of the Trans-Urals and Western Siberia – to the city of Kurgan. There was almost no chance of escape. Then my eldest daughter, who remained in Ukraine, sounded the alarm, turning to the Ministry of Reintegration,” the ministry quotes the woman as saying , which was taken to the Urals.

Read also: A platform for searching for deported and missing children was launched in Ukraine

It is worth noting that in order to fix and try to solve similar situations in Ukraine, a hotline was opened, which can be contacted in case of lack of contact with relatives, or in case they were deported. The number is 15-48.

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Source: ZN

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