
Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Russia, the IT army has attacked more than 4,200 resources of the occupiers

More than 250 thousand volunteer hackers from all over the world have joined.

“Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Russia, the IT army has attacked more than 4,200 resources of the occupiers” />

For four months since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Russia into Ukraine, the IT army has attacked more than 4,200 enemy resources. It began its work on the third day after the beginning of the aggression, uniting more than 250 thousand volunteer hackers from around the world, according to the Ministry of Digital Transformation.

Read also: the US eliminated the Russian hacker network RSOCKS

< p>Among the resources of the occupiers, the websites of state institutions, institutions of higher education, and banks were attacked. Due to DDoS attacks, Russians could not receive state services, conduct financial transactions, judicial processes in the regions were suspended.

In addition, the economic forum, national and regional media sites and online television, Rutube, were under attack. Cyberattacks damaged the speech of the president of the aggressor country, Vladimir Putin, and also disabled the mass media that spread propaganda.

Ukrainian specialists also attacked marking systems, alcohol plants, veterinary inspections, air ticket purchase services, etc.

Earlier, Google representative Jared Cohen stated that Russian hackers and propagandists use cyber attacks and disinformation to damage reputation Ukrainians in the world, as well as blocking the operation of the websites of state institutions. For this, they use five main directions.

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Source: ZN

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