
Since the beginning of the invasion of Ukraine, Russia has lost more than five thousand pieces of equipment

The number of losses confirmed by analysts based on visual data

Russia has lost more than five thousand units of equipment since the beginning of the invasion of Ukraine

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine on February 24, Russia has lost about 5,010 units of equipment< /strong>. This was reported by the analytical project Oryx, which collects information on the military losses of the parties during the war based on open data.

“It is now visually confirmed that #Russia has lost 5,000 vehicles and other heavy equipment since the invasion of #Ukraine began on February 24,” the project said in a statement.

The full list of the destroyed equipment of the Russian occupiers can be found at the following link.

According to the analysts of the same project, the losses of Ukraine are estimated at 1,386 units.

Read also: The Ministry of Defense announced an exhibition of the destroyed equipment of the Russian Federation in Warsaw, Paris, Berlin

According to data from the General Staff of the Armed Forces, starting from February 24, the occupiers lost:

  • personnel – about 40,830 (+160 ) units;
  • tanks – 1,763 (+4) units;
  • armored combat vehicles – 4,004 (+9) units;
  • artillery systems – 916 (+10) units;
  • Anti-aircraft missiles – 259 (+1) units;
  • air defense vehicles – 117 (+0) units;
  • aircraft – 223 (+1) units;
  • < li>helicopters – 190 (+0) units;

  • UAVs of the operational-tactical level – 735 (+2) units;
  • cruise missiles – 174 (+0) units. ;
  • ships/boats – 15 (+0) units;
  • vehicles and tankers – 2902 (+13) units;
  • special equipment – 80 (+2) units.

Remember, in the Czech Republic an exhibition of Russian equipment, which was destroyed in Ukraine, took place.

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Source: ZN

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