
Since the beginning of the war against Ukraine, the Russian Federation has lost more than 900 elite military personnel – the Air Force

Among them, in particular, special forces, marines and paratroopers.

“Since the beginning of the war against Ukraine, the Russian Federation has lost more than 900 elite military personnel – the Air Force” />

Since the beginning of the war against Ukraine, the Russian army has lost thousands of servicemen. An important role is played not only by the total number of casualties, but also by who exactly died. According to the BBC, Russia has lost more than 900 elite specialists, years of effort and millions of dollars were spent on their training. Among them, in particular, special forces, marines and paratroopers.

According to experts, the combined military units of the Russian army were not ready for assault operations. As a result, special forces units, marines, and paratroopers had to take on the tasks normally performed by the infantry.

It is these representatives of the Russian forces, who are traditionally considered the elite of the Russian army, who have suffered significant losses since the beginning of the war. Experts believe that compensating for such losses of elite specialists will be problematic for Russia.

GRU Special Forces

According to the BBC's calculations, according to open data, 151 servicemen of the GRU special forces died in the war against Ukraine. It is noted that almost every fourth dead person is an officer (22%).

Rosgvardiya Spetsnaz

It is reported that as of September 1, 245 employees of the Russian Guard died in the war against Ukraine, most of them – representatives of special purpose units, in particular, special forces units, SOBR and riot police. According to the media, almost every fourth of the dead had the rank of officer.

In addition, at least 16 of the dead occupiers were holders of a special distinction, the spotted beret, which actually defines the “special forces elite” in the Russian Guard.


Usually, Rosgvardiya force units specialize in suppression of demonstrations, as well as operations to detain a specific person or small armed groups. But despite this, Russian Guardsmen were sent to Ukraine from the first day of the war.


The BBC reports on the death of 20 FSB and FSO employees in the war against Ukraine. Most of the dead are employees of the border troops, which are subordinate to the FSB. Also among them are officers of the most classified units.

The best units of the Airborne Forces

Paratroopers make up exactly one fifth of all identified soldiers of the Russian Federation who died in Ukraine. It is reported that the total number of dead employees of elite units of the Airborne Forces is 144.

Due to the fact that the combined military units of the Russian Armed Forces were not ready for assault operations, the main burden of fighting in the first weeks of the war fell on the Airborne Forces units.


Marine units of the Russian Federation take an active part in the war against Ukraine, mostly they fight on the southern front. According to open data, 337 marines of the Russian Federation died in the war. In particular, the 810th Guards Brigade, based in the annexed Crimea, suffered the greatest losses.

Military pilots

According to the BBC, as of September 1, 67 Russian military pilots were killed during the invasion of Ukraine, among them navigators and flight mechanics.

Analysts emphasize that this is a special category of casualties, since the crews of combat aircraft and helicopters are the elite. any army in the world. The training of one sniper pilot can take 15-17 years and cost from 12 to 14 million dollars.

Despite the formal presence in Russia of hundreds of modern and combat-capable multi-purpose fighters, as well as fighter-bombers, the occupiers were unable to conduct a large-scale offensive air campaign. According to experts, this may be connected, in particular, with the loss of leading military pilots in the first months of the war. ” title=”BBC” alt=”BBC” /> Mobilization of homeless people initiated in St. Petersburg St. Petersburg homeless centers receive booklets for distribution with information about serving in the army. The enemy is using outdated missiles for air defense systems and is trying to advance in the direction of Avdiyiv – General Staff Over the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine repelled the Russian offensive near Bogorodichny, Pasika, Bakhmut, Piski and other populated areas. “Kadyrivets” in the Kherson Region want to take revenge on the Russian paratroopers for the atrocities of their predecessors in Chechnya – Bratchuk The mood within the occupying forces is worsening every day. ISW: The Kremlin may increase censorship of Russian military leaders and bloggers The Russian media environment will be under pressure in the near future. However, strangely enough, we are talking about platforms whose rhetoric generally coincides with the Kremlin's propaganda line. Ukraine's counteroffensive in the south is progressing slowly, but is proceeding according to plan – WSJ The Armed Forces of Ukraine skillfully use available resources, weakening the enemy in the only possible way so far.

Source: ZN

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