
Some wounded Russian soldiers fail to receive compensation despite Putin's promise – Reuters

“There is a certain tension among Russian servicemen regarding payments from the authorities,” human rights activists say.

Some wounded Russian soldiers fail to get compensation despite Putin's promise - Reuters

A week after the start of full-scale war Russian President Vladimir Putin promised that Russians wounded at the front will be able to receive compensation in the amount of three million rubles (this is about 50 thousand dollars – the approximate average earnings of a Russian for four years ), reports Reuters.

But with the increase in the number of wounded servicemen, it is increasingly difficult for some of them to receive compensation, even if the injuries are severe.

The agency made this conclusion based on interviews with four wounded Russian servicemen, a relative of the wounded soldier, two employees of human rights groups representing the interests of the soldiers, and a lawyer.

Obtaining compensation has become more difficult, in particular, due to barely noticeable clarification of the criteria for compensation, bureaucratic obstacles and delays in approving applications.

The head of the Moscow Human Rights Maksym Grebenyuk of the “Military Ombudsman” organization reported that he had received hundreds of requests for help from wounded servicemen who want to receive payments.

Russia's Defense Ministry, Health Ministry and the Kremlin did not respond to questions from Reuters about the payment scheme and the number of wounded and killed soldiers. In April, Putin said that the Russian state must ensure “fulfillment of all commitments made regarding the well-being of servicemen, especially those who have been wounded.”

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According to Ukraine and its Western allies, five months after Putin invaded Ukraine, the conflict has caused significant damage to both the Russian army and its economy due to international sanctions. According to US estimates, potentially 45,000 Russian soldiers were wounded and about 15,000 killed, which would equal the number of Soviet casualties during the Soviet-Afghan War of 1979-1989. According to the Armed Forces, the number of dead Russian soldiers during the full-scale war in Ukraine already exceeds 40,000.

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Source: ZN

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