
Soon: a famous futurologist predicted when people will be able to achieve immortality

As a rule, Kurzweil's predictions come true.

Coming soon: a famous futurist predicted when people will be able to achieve immortality

Computer scientist and futurist Ray Kurzweil called the time when humanity will be able to achieve immortality, and artificial intelligence – the singularity. The scientist is known for several predictions that have already come true, and if these turn out to be true, there is not much time left to wait, reports IFLScience.

Among Kurzweil's predictions that came true, for example, the one he made in 1990. Then he declared that by the year 2000 the computer would beat the world champion in chess, and also predicted the appearance of portable computers and smartphones, the transition to more wireless technologies, and predicted the rapid development of the Internet before it became obvious to everyone.

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In 2010, he reviewed his own predictions made 20 years ago to determine how accurate they were. Kurzweil claims that out of 147 predictions made in 1990 to the 2010s, 115 turned out to be “completely correct”, 12 were “essentially correct” and only three were completely incorrect.

That is, although the statements Kurzweil's statements about immortality are considered quite bold and, most likely, erroneous, they should not be discounted.

So, according to him, by 2030, humanity will be able to “increase the length of human life by more than an hour every hour “. Theoretically, in the future this can lead to the achievement of eternal life.

In 2017, the futurist also made a prediction about when artificial intelligence will be able to pass the Turing test.

“2029 is the exact date I set when AI will pass the Turing test and, therefore, reach human-level intelligence . I have set a date of 2045 for the “singularity”, when we will multiply our effective intelligence a billion times, merging with the intelligence we have created,” said the scientist.

According to Kurzweil, the singularity is not what should be feared, but what can “improve” people has made us “godlike”.

“If I want to access 10,000 computers for two seconds, I can do it over a wireless network and computing power] will multiply 10 thousand times in the cloud…”, he explains.

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Source: ZN

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