
Stephen King called on Russia to stop shelling the civilian population of Ukraine

The cult writer refused to cooperate with Russian publishing houses.

Stephen King called on Russia to stop shelling the civilian population of Ukraine

American writer Stephen King called on Russia to stop the war in Ukraine and the bombing of the civilian population. He also announced that he would no longer sign contracts with Russian publishing houses.

“For God's sake, Russia, stop this senseless war in Ukraine. Stop bombing unarmed civilians. Putin should resign,” the horror writer wrote on Twitter.

King has unequivocally expressed his solidarity with Ukraine since the beginning of the Russian invasion. At the start of the war, he wrote on Twitter: “Normally I don't post pictures of myself, but today is an exception.” In the photo, he is posing in his library wearing a T-shirt with the Ukrainian flag and the inscription “I am with Ukraine”.

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The iconic writer also said that he would no longer sign contractswith Russian publishing houses.

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Source: ZN

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