
Taiwan has rejected China's “one country, two systems” plan for the island

Beijing, in turn, does not rule out the use of force to seize Taiwan.

=”Taiwan rejects China's 'one country, two systems' plan for the island” />

Taiwan rejects the 'one country, two systems' model proposed by China in the White Paper. This was announced by the island's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Reuters reports.

Ministry spokeswoman Joan Ou emphasized that only the people of Taiwan can decide their future.

She also said that Beijing used the visit of the speaker of the House. US representative Nancy Pelosi to the island as “an excuse to create a new norm to intimidate the people of Taiwan”.

Taiwan declared its independence in 1949, while Beijing considers the island a province of the People's Republic of China.

China publishes a “White Paper” every two years. This document outlines the country's national defense strategy. The “one country, two systems” model for Taiwan was proposed as early as the early 1980s.

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Yesterday, August 10, Beijing again published the White Paper. China has reaffirmed its threats to use military force to take controlof Taiwan. Beijing said it would “make efforts to achieve a peaceful reunification” with the island, but would not give up military force if necessary.

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Source: ZN

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