
Tariffs for “community”: how much will we pay in February

A full-scale invasion of Russia does not exempt from paying utility bills.

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Back in the summer, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine introduced a moratorium on the increase in tariffs for heat and hot water for the population, which will be in effect during martial law in Ukraine and six months after.

Read also: Utilities are getting more expensive: the State Statistics Service revealed which tariffs have increased the most

Let us remind you whether the tariffs for other communal services have changed since February 1, 2023.

What will be the electricity tariff from February 1

The Cabinet of Ministers, by Resolution No. 859 dated 11.08.2021, established electricity prices for household consumers in Ukraine from October 1, 2021, which will also be relevant in February 2023.

For households consuming electricity:

  • up to 250 kWh (inclusive) per month – payment is at the rate of UAH 1.44 (including VAT) per 1 kWh;
  • over 250 kWh per month – at the rate of UAH 1.68 (with VAT) per 1 kWh.

For collective household consumers and dormitories (for the entire volume of consumption), the electricity tariff is UAH 1.68 (with VAT) per 1 kWh .

Such electricity tariffs for domestic consumers will not increase until at least March 31, 2023.

How the water tariff has changed since February 1< /h2>

On December 27, 2022, the National Commission for the Regulation of Energy and Communal Services (NCREKP) adopted a decision to increase the tariffs for cold water and sewage in 2023, which provided for the increase of tariffs in two stages – from January 1 and from July 2023.

But on December 30, the NCRECP sent its own decision from December 27 for revision, which means that water supply and drainage tariffs will not be increased yet.

Has the gas tariff been increased since February 1

For Ukrainians the gas tariff has not changed compared to January. Yes, the price of gas varies from 7.70 up to UAH 9.99.

Currently, about 98% of Ukrainian domestic gas consumers are clients of the Naftogaz Ukrainy Gas Supply Company. They receive gas at a guaranteed price of UAH 7.96. per cubic meter.

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Let us remind you, in what cases you can not pay for utility services during the war.

Source: ZN

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