
The Air Force explained why it is important for the Armed Forces to get Patriot complexes

They, unlike other systems, can hit the smallest targets at a distance of up to 150 kilometers.

The Air Force explained why it is important for the Armed Forces to receive Patriot complexes

The spokesman of the Air Force Command of the Armed Forces Yuriy Ignat said that it is important for Ukraine to receive Patriot complexes in order to strengthen air defense, because they are able to shoot down targets at a long distance. In addition, several units of such systems would allow to cover a rather large area, Ignat said during the telethon.

He explained that this complex currently exists in several modifications, and the latest one is even capable of shooting down ballistic missiles.

Ignat also told at what distance air targets can shoot down various systems:

  • Patriot – up to 150 km;
  • Buk M1 – 40 km;
  • IRIS-T – 40 km;
  • NASAMS – 40 km;
  • C300 – 75 km.
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    “Of course, if it is 150 km, then having already placed those complexes at a certain distance from each other, it is already possible to cover a fairly large area of ​​the airspace with four installations,” Ignat noted, adding that the Patriot is an extremely modern and effective complex, its radars are capable detect targets from the smallest to the largest extremely effectively.

    Read also: Duda supports the transfer of Patriot air defense systems to Ukraine, but Berlin has the last word

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    Source: ZN

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