
The Armed Forces noted that the Russian occupiers have changed their fighting tactics in Donbas

Our defenders are already studying it.

The Armed Forces noted that the Russian occupiers have changed their fighting tactics in Donbas

The Russian occupying forces have changed their tactics of conducting combat operations against Ukrainian defenders in the east of our country. This was announced by the spokesman of the Eastern Group of Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Serhiy Cherevaty, on the air of the telethon.

“The enemy is concentrating its main efforts on the Bakhmut and Avdiiv directions. His attacks and assault actions are taking place there … He has changed his tactics: instead of using company-battalion orders, he is now creating such assault detachments, which include assault groups. Those groups are already divided into subgroups , which are directly storming, others are covering them with fire,” Cherevaty said.

At the same time, he emphasized that Ukrainian fighters are already studying the enemy's new tactics, and added: “For every such military poison, we have an antidote.” .

According to Cherevaty, the Armed Forces are strengthening surveillance of the enemy with both unmanned and stationary systems. Also, the defenders try to detect the aggressor forces in advance and strike them with artillery and mortars, and in case of approaching the positions, with small arms.

Read also: The Guardian: In Bakhmut, Ukrainian and Russian soldiers sometimes fight on a distance of 100 meters from each other

The spokesperson of the Eastern Group of Forces also added that Donbas is currently “the main front of the struggle for our independence”.

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Source: ZN

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