
The Armed Forces of Ukraine are advancing in the west of Kherson Oblast and have gained a foothold behind Siverskyi Dinets in Donbas – map

Despite this, military analysts predict that the occupiers will occasionally launch fierce artillery and air attacks on liberated settlements and advancing Ukrainian troops.

=”The Armed Forces of Ukraine are advancing in the west of Kherson Oblast and have established themselves behind Siverskyi Donets in Donbas – map” />

Ukrainian troops are advancing in several directions in the western part of Kherson Oblast and have established the territory beyond the Siverskyi Donets River in Donetsk Oblast . The pace of the counteroffensive is likely to change dramatically on a day-to-day basis as the armed forces attempt to deprive the Russians of the supplies they need, even if ground counteroffensives continue. This is stated in the latest report of the Institute for the Study of War as of September 4.

“The Russians will occasionally counterattack and recapture some of the lost positions and, of course, launch fierce artillery and air attacks on liberated settlements and advancing Ukrainian troops. The armed forces have made significant progress, and have caused more realistic comments from Russian media bloggers, who until today have been very attentive to the Kremlin's optimistic rhetoric,” the report said. >

The ISW recalled geo-location footage from September 2-3, which shows Russian troops firing anti-aircraft missiles from positions on the territory of the Zaporizhia Nuclear Power Plant (ZAEP) within a radius of 1 km from the nuclear reactor.

On September 3, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) announced that the ZNPP was disconnected from the power grid for the second time in its history (the first occurred on August 25), probably due to ongoing false flag attacks by Russia and other military actions at and around the ZNPP.

Other key conclusions regarding the situation on the Ukrainian front

  • President Volodymyr Zelenskyi said that Ukrainian troops liberated two settlements in southern Ukraine and one in Donbas. ISV independently confirmed the release.
  • Ukrainian forces continued to strike Russian land lines of communication (GLOC), ammunition depots and key positions to wear down Russian forces.
  • Ukraine's release of Visokopill has sparked critical discussions among some Russian millionaire bloggers amid claims by the Russian Defense Ministry that Ukrainian troops are continuing “unsuccessful attempts” to advance.

Kherson-Mykolaiv Battle Map Draft September 04,2022.png (1.64 MB ) Map of fighting in the south from the Institute for the Study of War – ISW released an analysis of the situation in the regionCurrently, the southern axis is one of the key for the Russians, but there the occupiers are facing intensified attacks from the Ukrainian side. Putin publicly approved the activities of the LDPR troops and criticized the Russian Ministry of Defense Russian troops increasingly rely on the personnel of the DPR and LPR as the main combatants forces, and the Kremlin is likely seeking to rhetorically boost their role in the war to boost recruitment. Hard winter: eight products that are better to stock up on in advance Stocks of non-perishable products can already be made. Russian military occupied kindergartens and churches of the UOC (MP) – General Staff In the Holy Trinity Church in Kharkiv Oblast, the invaders set up a military hospital. Putin's trial should be held in Ukraine and it should not be delayed – ex-prosecutor of the tribunal from Yugoslavia The main prosecutor in the case of Slobodan Milosevic supported the idea of ​​creating a special tribunal for the Russian political and military leadership.

Source: ZN

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