
The Armed Forces of Ukraine repelled attempts to storm the occupiers in several directions in Donetsk region – General Staff

The invaders' new goal is to enter the administrative borders of the region.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine repelled attempts to attack the invaders in several directions in Donetsk region – General Staff” />

Russian invaders continue to try to advance on Donetsk region and in the direction of Donetsk from Kharkiv region, but the Ukrainian military is effectively countering the enemy.

Yes, on July 9, the occupiers tried to storm in the directions of Dovgenke – Krasnopill and Pasik – Dolyna. Our defenders successfully repelled the attacks, the enemy withdrew, the General Staff reported.

With offensive actions, the enemy tried to improve the tactical position in the direction of Yasinuvat – Avdiyivka. He had no success and left with losses. An attempt to advance in the Maryinka area was also unsuccessful.

Also, the invaders made an unsuccessful assault attempt in the direction of Zolotarivka – Verkhnyokamyanske in the Kramatorsk direction. Our soldiers forced the invaders to retreat with effective fire. In the same direction, the enemy conducted aerial reconnaissance with the help of drones.

In the Slovyansk direction, the occupiers are trying to create conditions for advancing in the direction of Izyum – Slovyansk using artillery. The villages of Chepil and Bogorodichne came under enemy fire.

In the Avdiyiv, Kurakhiv, and Novopavli directions, the occupiers shelled our positions with mortars, barrel and rocket artillery along the contact line. Airstrikes were recorded in the regions of Avdiyivka and Novoandriyivka.

In the Donetsk direction, the enemy continues to use available weapons to attack the defenders of Ukraine and launched a missile and airstrike near Shumyv.

Read also: Luhansk Oblast is on the defensive – Heyday

Having gained control over Lysychansk, Russia hastily declared control over the entire Luhansk Oblast, but fighting in the region is still ongoing. At the same time, the Russians began an offensive on Donetsk region. However, it is unlikely that Donbas will become the end point of the Russian military campaign.

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Source: ZN

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