
The authorities have a plan in case of assassination of the president – Zelensky

“We have a parliamentary-presidential republic.”

The authorities there is a plan in case of assassination of the president - Zelensky

Ukraine – a parliamentary-presidential republic and the Ukrainian authorities have provided various options in case of possible assassination of someone from the country's leadership. Zelensky reminded about this during a conversation at the Ukrainian House in Davos.

Zelensky was twice asked if they had a plan in case one of the Russian attempts to assassinate the president succeeded.

“According to our law, there is someone to run the state. We were prepared and divided. “Prime Minister and Speaker of Parliament. We have a parliamentary-presidential republic,” the president said.

He also stressed that in case of a loss, the government is ready for this. “

” We divided the Cabinet into two parts, it was two doubles, so that the country could be protected even from such results, “Zelensky said.

“So much effort, people have spent energy and money… I'm ready to help them .. but in the morning I wake up and wake up. That's why I treat it philosophically,” the head of state joked.

The President added that such a threat remains daily. “But as long as I'm alive and it's not a hologram, I'm really talking to you.” But we have no choice but to keep fighting.

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Source: ZN

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