
The balance of forces at the front changed in favor of the ZSU — Reznikov

Now the main tasks: providing the army and improving logistics. This is especially important on the eve of winter.

alt=”The balance of forces at the front has changed in favor of the Armed Forces – Reznikov ” />

The Minister of Defense of Ukraine Oleksiy Reznikov stated that the balance of forces at the front has changed in favor of the Armed Forces, so Russia is definitely doomed to defeat in this war.< /strong> However, on his Facebook page, he warned that a difficult period awaits Ukrainians ahead.

“The enemy is resorting to terror to cause a humanitarian crisis. But the balance has already changed. Russia is doomed to defeat. Ukraine will definitely win. We are working to ensure that the world accepts the Ukrainian vision of victory, and it will come as soon as possible.” , Reznikov noted.

So the minister named the factors that play a special role at this stage of the war: economy, logistics, the quality of providing troops and the ability to develop even during the active phase of hostilities.

“The Ministry of Defense not only provided the current needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, but also formed and has been maintaining a reserve for the army for several months in the form of more than 200,000 body armor and more than 100,000 helmets,” added Reznikov, reporting on the situation as of November 17.

The minister noted that Ukraine is already improving its logistics.

“We are improving logistics, including through the implementation of the Logfas NATO program. We are explaining in detail the logic of our actions to our partners and are building a system to support projects in the medium and long term. This attracts the economic potential of the free world to the benefit of Ukraine,” he added.

Read also: Zelensky responded to intelligence forecasts regarding the timing of the end of the war

We will remind, at the end of October, the head of the Main Directorate of Intelligence, Kyrylo Budanov, said that the war should end by next summer. He also promised significant victories of the Armed Forces of Ukraine at the front before winter. By the way, this prediction of his, like many others, has already come true – the Defense Forces de-occupied Kherson.

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President Volodymyr Zelenskyi later commented on Budanov's words about the end of the war. He noted that intelligence has its own data, but no one can predict the final terms. 

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Source: ZN

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