
The Barabashovo market in Kharkiv, shelled by Gradov, is partially resuming its work: what can you buy?

The first to resume trade are entrepreneurs who sell goods, the shortage of which is particularly felt by Kharkiv residents.

Shooted from

Kharkiv shopping center “Barabashovo” from April 12 partially resumes work. This is reported on the website of the company.

On the one hand, our response to the calls of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky and the Cabinet of Ministers to business to resume work, support the economy of Ukraine, give people the opportunity to earn a living, keep jobs places and pay taxes to the budget, and on the other – our concern for the people of Kharkiv, who now have very limited opportunities to purchase many necessary goods, “- said in a statement.

It is noted that the first to resume trade are entrepreneurs who ensure the sale of goods, the shortage of which is particularly felt by residents of Kharkiv.

The management of the shopping center emphasizes that the decision regarding the resumption of the enterprise was balanced. But he promises to take all necessary security measures, to comply with all the requirements of martial law. In the event of a threat, visitors will be able to evacuate immediately to the repositories.

Today Barabashovo Shopping Center is one of the largest logistics and humanitarian hubs in Kharkiv and Ukraine in general. Despite the significant destruction of the facility after the Russian attacks, entrepreneurs are finding opportunities for humanitarian assistance to the needy and are beginning to revive their business, “- said on the company's website.

span> On March 17, “Barabashovo” was fired upon by Russian troops from “Gradov” . The shelling of the market was repeated on March 25.

Обстрил рынуку 25 March 2022

Source: ZN

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