
The CEO of OpenAI is “afraid” of ChatGPT and is sure that a number of professions will disappear because of this AI

In just two months after the release of the chatbot, the number of its active users exceeded 100 million.

-a number of professions will disappear due to this AI” alt=”The General Director of OpenAI is “afraid” of ChatGPT and is confident that a number of professions will disappear due to this AI” />

General Director OpenAI Sam Altman admitted that he is “a little afraid” of the ChatGPT chatbot created by his company, and believes that the development of this artificial intelligence will lead to the disappearance of a number of professions.

“I think if I said that I'm not a little scared, then you would either stop trusting me, or you would be very upset that I work in this position,” Altman said in an interview ABC News, adding that “people should be happy that his company is a little scared”, as this indicates a high quality of development .

Altman admits that artificial intelligence can “take away” many jobs from people, but in such a situation, other jobs may appear that will be much better than the old ones.

“The main reason for the development of AI is to improve people's quality of life,” he reminded.

Read also: Art and neural networks: can ChatGPT create content for the cultural sector

The CEO of OpenAI assured that his company is in “regular contact” with the government, and emphasized that regulatory authorities and society should actively participate in the development of ChatGPT, as feedback can help prevent negative consequences of its widespread use.

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Previously in an article for ZN.UA the director of the distance school Unicorn School Vladimir Strashko told how artificial intelligence ChatGPT can change our education and what to do with it.

Source: ZN

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