
The Czech Republic has recognized the actions of the Russian occupiers in Ukraine as genocide of the Ukrainian people

The resolution supports further arms transfers to Ukraine.

Czech Republic recognizes actions of the Russian occupiers in Ukraine genocide of the Ukrainian people

The Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic recognized the actions of the Russian army on the territory of Ukraine genocide of the Ukrainian people. The parliament voted in favor of the decision on Wednesday, May 10, according to Ukrainian Ambassador to the Czech Republic Yevhen Perebyinis. “The Czech Senate has recognized the crimes committed by the Russian army in Ukraine as genocide of the Ukrainian people. granting weapons to the Czech Republic to Ukraine and gaining Ukraine the status of a candidate for EU membership, “Perebyinis writes.

The ruling says the Senate “condemns ethnically motivated crimes against humanity, such as mass executions, disrespect for the dead, torture, rape, physical and mental violence, or the forcible deportation of children committed by Russia systematically and on a large scale, which is a manifestation of the Ukrainian people.” “.

Read also: Almost 90% of citizens consider the genocide of the Ukrainian people the actions of the Russian Federation in Ukraine – poll

We will remind, on April 28 the parliament of Canada recognized crimes of the Russian Federation in Ukraine genocide. One week earlier, on April 21, Estonia and Latvia had declared genocide between Russia and Latvia.

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Source: ZN

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