
The deputy told how much the budgets of the regions of Ukraine have decreased since the beginning of the year

On average, budgets were reduced by 12%.

The deputy told how much the budgets of the regions of Ukraine have decreased since the beginning of the year” />

From the beginning of the year to August inclusive, the budgets of the regions of Ukraine decreased by 12% on average compared to the same period in 2021. People's deputy Yaroslav Zheleznyak reported this in his Telegram with reference to Openbudget.

He noted that the budgets for the income of 24 regions have fallen. The largest: Kherson region (-45.4%); Zaporizhzhia region (-28.6%); Chernihiv region (-23.5%).

In Kyiv, the budget reduction was 0.76%.

However, there are two regions whose budgets increased: Lviv region (+8 .2%); Mykolaiv region (+4.04%).

The deputy noted that the growth of Mykolaiv region most likely occurred exclusively due to military pensions.

However, according to him, the statistics of this year is significantly distorted, the distortion is caused by military salaries and other incomes.

The deputy told how much the budgets of the regions of Ukraine have decreased since the beginning of the year

Read also: The draft Budget-2023 is based on the forecast of the exchange rate of UAH 42 to $1 – the prime minister

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Source: ZN

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