
The EU has approved a fifth package of sanctions against Russia

It includes, in particular, the coal embargo, a ban on the export of high-tech goods and new personal sanctions.

On the second day, the European Union approved the previously announced fifth package of sanctions against Russia . This was reported by European Truth with reference to the French presidency of the Council of the EU.

As stated earlier, the new sanctions are aimed at Russia's trade, transport and energy.

In particular, the EU has decided to block the assets of a number of Russian banks, impose an arms embargo on Russia and ban the export of a number of goods worth 10 billion euros, including high-tech.

EU countries have agreed on a coal embargo, but still unknown when it takes effect. It was previously reported that the EU will postpone a full embargo on Russian coal until mid-August due to German pressure.

They also approved an embargo on imports of a number of other goods and raw materials worth 5.5 billion euros. The list includes, in particular, timber from the Russian Federation.

Also, Russian ships will be banned from entering the ports of the European Union, and road transport operators – to use EU roads.

In addition, introduced new personal sanctions against Russian oligarchs, propagandists, Russia's military and security apparatus, and key figures in the industrial and technological sectors.

All decisions will take effect after publication in the Official Gazette of the EU on April 8.

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