
The European Parliament has supported the immediate imposition of an embargo on all Russian energy sources

The embargo also includes a complete waiver of Nord Stream-1 and Nord Stream-2.

European Parliament supports resolution a call for a full and immediate embargo on Russian energy imports: oil, gas, coal and nuclear fuel. This was announced by MEP Guy Verhofstadt.

The document was supported by the vast majority of deputies. 413 out of 552 parliamentarians voted for him. Abstained – 46, against – 93.

“The European Parliament calls for an immediate full embargo on imports of Russian oil, coal, nuclear fuel and gas, to abandon Nord Stream-1 and Nord Stream-2 altogether, and to present a guarantee plan security of energy supply to the EU in the short term, “the resolution reads.

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This moment has caused the most controversy among MEPs. The original version of the resolution added to the gas embargo “as quickly as possible.” This wording received as many as three amendments from different parliamentarians, which, in fact, repeated each other. As a result, 413 supported them, calling for an immediate embargo on all four types of energy from Russia.

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